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Lip Syncing Music video 

​start of the year we have a project of making a music lip syncing as a group . So I working with two partner also has study media for 2 years in BVIS 

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The Idea of how we work to make a music video 

Because we have study with each other for 3 years so this project is very easy for us to connect with each other and share the idea of how we gonna put on effort to make this music video looks good , professional . We then have a little chat and decided to make the video of Cheating On You by Charlie Puth because its a easy song , we can all remember the lyrics of the song , our group working very hard on this project because we very want to do good on the first project . We know that there are more challenging ahead of us when we start to make a music video of a final product 

Our Challenging

Lip Sync

The challenge that we have to faced with when doing this music video is that about the lips sync . We find its the most difficult part because we have to dance and look into the camera and lips sync but it has to match with the real song . And also I'm a very shy person in front of a camera so I things its a part that I find it very difficult . By this task I can have an overview of how difficult about the project 

Ảnh chụp Màn hình 2023-09-15 lúc 12.33.40.png

Campus - Vampire Weekend 

For this project we get to know the lyrics of the song then create a music video by ourself including camera , editing and planning . I'm working with my parter to make a music video of Vampire Weekend by Campus around 50 seconds and we apply the Andrew Goodwin theory in the music video . In this project I'm doing a camera role , its give me lots different experience and more skills for my real coursework ahead 

​Andrew Goodwin Theory 

1 Links between music and visual

2 Links between lyrics and visual

3 There are often genre characteristics

4 There are often intertextual references 

5 Voyeurism 

6 Demands of record lable

Idea and Planning

This project is a bit more challenging than our previous project, which involved lip syncing to a pre-existing set of lyrics. For this new project, my partner and I have to come up with ideas, plan out the concept and meaning of the music video in order to make it creative and apply the Andrew Goodwin Theory.

Our Challenge
Creating Idea

In my opinion, thinking and creating the music video is the hardest part because we only know the lyrics and have to planning all the idea by ourself also we have to compete with other group so we have to make it looks different from other , not just make its the same as what the lyrics its . However we have to use lots of different camera angle that we have learn and also editing technique 

Our successful

 â€‹During the music video shoot, I served as the primary camera operator, which allowed me to improve my camera skills. I learned about various camera angles, such as whip pans, medium shots, and long shots, and how to capture footage in high quality. My partner was responsible for editing the video, and I was able to learn from them and improve my editing skills. This project helped me identify my strengths and weaknesses and provided an opportunity to learn and grow. I am now better prepared for future projects.

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